An Evening of Chanukah Inspiration and Chizuk

Join Mrs. Devorah Yaffa Singer for an inspiring evening of Chizuk and song.  Mrs. Singer uses both Torah wisdom and music to bring her audience to a deeper understanding of the role emunah plays. While this presentation was given during Chanukah 5774, its lessons of Emunah and drawing closer to HaKadosh Baruch Hu are certainly relevant year long.   

This video is FOR WOMEN ONLY.



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Ahavat Yisrael

Our sages tell us that the 2nd Beis HaMikdash was destroyed because of Sinat Chinam (baseless hatred) and will only be rebuilt through Ahavat Chinam (baseless love).  This is a must see, incredibly moving, inspirational video by Rabbi Refael Rubin of Netanya on the dire need to stop all the in-fighting between us and create more Ahavat Yisrael.  


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Rabbi Grossman on Growing Jewish Unity

HaRav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman, Chief Rabbi of Migdal Emek, speaks about the great increase in unity within the Jewish people due to the kidnapping and murders of Eyal ben Uriel, Yaakov Naftali ben Avraham and Gilad Michael ben Ofir, may they rest in peace.  Rav Grossman exhorts us to strengthen ourselves and continue to build unity in Klal Yisroel.


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Singing "Acheinu" at the Kotel

For more "Unity Inspiration",  have a look at this video of Jews gathering together all singing Acheinu in unison at the Kotel.   "Who is like Your Nation Israel..."?

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Hashem Melech

Courtesy of , watch and listen to Nissim and Gad Elbaz sing praises to Hashem on and around the skyscrapers of NYC.  This video was made as a means of supporting the Biermacher family whose husband/father Aish HaTorah Rabbi Reuven Biermacher was brutally stabbed to death by Arab terrorists outside of the Old City of Jerusalem just a few weeks ago.  To help support his widow and 7 orphans, go to


Redemption Through National Will

Watch a captivating video of Rabbi Pinchas Winston who has made it his life’s mission to prepare this generation for the imminent redemption.  What’s left for us to do?  We need to develop a strong national will for Geula! 

The Actions Project

Meet “The Actions Project”: a dynamic and uplifting response to the Har Nof tradedy.  Lean what you can do to make a difference, help strengthen Jewish Unity amongst the Jewish Women in Klal Yisrael, and just as it was in the merit of the Jewish Women in Egypt that the redemption came, so too should our combined efforts bring Geula shlema closer, IY’H!

(This may take a few seconds to upload so don't run away.)

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What a Wonderful World

with David Attenborough: An awe-inspiring video showing us the beauty and magnificence of Hashem’s world.

The Meaning of Kaddish

Did you ever wonder what this prayer really means that we say so many times in shul and so many times throughout our lives over and over and over again? Well wonder no more!