G-d Direct Torah
G-d Direct Torah

There is a broad consensus amongst our Gedolim that we are in a period of time now called Ikvese Demeshicha – or the End of Days(Click here to read this letter from the Gadol HaDor Rav Chaim Kanievsky stating emphatically that we are indeed in the days known as the Ikvesa demeshicha or the End of days).   More recently Rav Kanievsky has been reported as urging the Jewish Olam to make aliyah for the imminent redemption.  When asked what message he had for klal Yisroel at this time and for a chizuk for the Jews of chutz la’aretz (the Diaspora), Harav Kanievsky solemnly declared: “The coming of Moshiach is imminent and he is on his way… It is stated in the Talmud that after the conclusion of the shmitta year Ben Dovid (the scion of Dovid) will come.”  To view this report, click here.  

To drive this point further into our consciousness, take a look at this wonderfully done 2 minute video about a young boy who goes to sleep in Galut and wakes up in Geula.  To view, click here

How does a Torah observant Jew in the 21st century traverse such a potentially volatile and confusing time period? What can we rely on, when from every side, every aspect of life is unravelling? We have nowhere to turn, no solutions, other than turning to Hashem Himself. This is the answer given in the Mishnah at the end of mesechta Sota. The Mishnah asks: “upon whom do we have to rely? “ and it answers: “we can only rely on our Father in Heaven,” (‘Avinu Sh’bshamayim’). Thus, there is one basic overarching strategy for dealing with this time period which is "relying and turning completely and only to Hashem". (to learn more about what we need to strengthen ourselves during the End of Days, go to our Community of Resources/Binyan Olam .)

Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein zt"l stated very poignantly in a shiur he gave during Parshat Yisro in 2009 that only those Jews who hold on tight to their Emunah and trust in Hashem during these times of turbulence and uncertainty will merit to witness the unfolding of history and be a part of the climactic finale of the final redemption (to hear a 5-minute excerpt from this shiur, click here). 

In taking these words very much to heart, we have embarked on this endeavor to provide you with easy, fingertip access to multiple resources, including: seminars, audio links with inspiring shiurim and uplifting musical selectionsVideos and inspiring articles. They all share one aim: to build a community of Jewish women who are dedicated to developing a more palpable and personal relationship with the Creator. It is in the merit of the righteous women, the Midrash tells us, that the Geula will unfold. Amongst these women are those who are building their homes and teaching their loved ones the secret of “relying and turning completely and only to Hashem”



(to read on, click here)

G-d Direct Torah

A Tribute to Rav Noach Weinberg
Rabbi Noach Weinberg, zt"l

This Sh’vat edition is dedicated to the memory of Rav Noach Weinberger, HaRav Yisrael Noach ben Yitzhak Matisyahu, zt”l l'kavod his sixteenth yahrtzeit which is the 11th of Sh’vat.   Rav Noach had a very profound impact on my life personally, particularly in the area of Emunah and Ahavat Hashem .   His love of Hashem was absolutely infectious and any of us who had the special opportunity to be in this Gadol’s presence felt that love pour through him in a most palpable way.  Rav Noach used to say:  “you gotta get up in the morning and get a hold of the love of Hashem”.  To view A 4-minute film on the life of Rabbi Noah Weinberg, zt"l, Click here.

In honor of the Rosh Yeshiva's yahrtzeit in 2020,  Aish HaTorah held a special day of Emunah chizuk at their World Center in Jerusalem.  To view, click here.  

Finally, in honor of Rav Noach's yahrtzeit, there is a beautiful letter posted on www.Aish.com by Rabbi Yaakov Salomon entitled: "What Would Rabbi Noah Weinberg Say" looking down from above on today's situation.  This letter brought me to tears and should be read by every committed Jew at least once a day!  To read, click here. 




Tu B'Shvat Renewal
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi

Once again Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi delights and dazzles her audience with her charm, her passion for Hashem and her infectious Simcha for life.  Enjoy this wonderful shiur she gave at the Aish HaTorah World Center, 5778.  Download here.

Shevat: Filling the Bucket
Rebbetzin Tzipporah Heller

Listen to this brilliant and engaging class on the deeper meaning of Tu B’Shvat presented by Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller during Emunah Day 5778 at the Aish Hatorah World Center.  To download, click here.

A Woman's Avodah in Sh'vat
Rabbi Itamar Schwartz, author Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh

Rabbi Itamar Schwartz, author of the life-transformative series Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh, shares with the women in Klal Yisrael the unique avodah specific to the month of Sh'vat, the avodah of Eating. The Rav speaks in hebrew and there is an accompanying english translation. To download, click here. 

For more from Bilvavi on Sh'vat and specifically on the avodah of Eating, click here.

To hear more fantastic shiurim from Rabbi Schwartz, go to:http://www.bilvavi.net  


Sh'vat and Sh'viti: The Keys to Sanity
Mrs. Devorah Yaffa Singer, Ma'ale Amos, Israel

This class, describing the relationship between Tu B’Shvat and cultivating  the seeds of Emunah within us, was the introduction to the  Aish HaTorah Women’s “Naishay” organization’s  “Sanity Series”. Learn how Living with Emunah in HaKadosh Baruch Hu is the key to emotional balance, middos development, and tremendous inner joy.  Enjoy this free introduction to her series Lights of Emunah 

Click here to download mp3  

To gain a glimpse into how Mrs. Singer came to this pathway in Avodat Hashem, read here.  For accompanying mp3's to guide you step by step on how to use this powerful "Shiviti" tool and also experience a life transformation, click here and here.

Spiritual Growth Begins Beneath the Surface
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Aish Kodesh, Woodmere, NY

The sap of the tree begins to rise in the roots on Rosh Chodesh, but on the 15th we see the first blossoming on the tree. Shammai's opinion corresponds to that which is concealed, the parts of our life where we cannot see Hashem.  Beis Hillel believes that we need to have fruits and see Hashem's love for us. The renewal of life takes place in the month of Shevat as we leave the coldness of the winter.   Click here to download mp3  

To hear Rav Weinberger's magnificient shiur on the meaning of Tu B'Shvat given at Emunah day 2020 at Aish HaTorah, click here.  To watch the program in full, click here.

To hear Rav Weinberger's shiur on Tu B'Shvat given at Yeshiva University, click here.

Click here for more Torah by Rabbi Weinberger

Tu - B'shevat: Elevating Yearly Transitions
Rabbi Yaakov Zalman Labinsky, Becoming Divine, Cleveland, OH

This impactful lecture shows us how we can grow through the yearly cycle, becoming more Divine as we traverse along the pathways of the Torah and her holidays.  Rav Labinsky weaves for us a magnificent tapestry of the energies available during these transitions throughout the year and describes the unique potential in the air right now. 

Click here to download mp3 

If you liked this class, here is another MUST LISTEN.  Rabbi Labinsky gives a brilliant description of the deeper meaning to Tu B'Shvat and specifically it's pivotal role as a marker in the yearly cycle, and specifically what we can learn from it vis a vis shabbos!  To view, click here or here. 

This class is part of an ongoing chaburah on the 39 Melachos of Shabbos.  Learn about the melachos of Shabbos like never before!  For more information on how to be a part of this year long series, email me at devorah.yaffa@gmail.com for more details.

Click here for more Torah from Rabbi Labinsky.

Tu B'Shevat: In The Dead Of Winter, There's Life - Class #1
Rabbi Doniel Katz

Rabbi Doniel Katz has a unique ability to communicate Torah that speaks straight to the heart and soul of the Jew.  In this class, Rabbi Katz describes what he calls a "Tu B'Shvat" moment when the light begins to shine through the darkness and we understand with clarity and emunah the plan Hashem has laid out for us.  When we begin to feel Hashem's love and the perfection of every detail of our lives, then we can sing the song of life, emunah and joy.  This class contains messages of Bitachon, Emunah and Ahavat Hashem for all year long.  

To download the shiur, click here. 


To listen to more wonderful classes by Rabbi Katz, click here.



Tu B'Shvat: In the Dead of Winter, There's Life - Class #2
Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein a"h

Listen to Rabbi Wallerstein a"h dynamic and impactful shiur as he describes the power of human potential. Man is compared to "the tree in the field" and as the sap in the trees begin to rise, so too does the potential of each and every Jew.  Rav Wallerstein shares some very personal examples of helping others realize their hidden potential. His message of hope and dreams fulfilled can certainly be enjoyed all throughout the year.

To download, click here

The Secret Dance of Sh'vat
Rabbanit Amit Yaghoubi

Every once in a while I come across a shiur that is so inspiring and so sincere that I have to share it with others.  Meet, if you haven’t already, Rabbanit Amit Yaghoubi, as she teaches us about “The Secret Dance of Sh’vat”.  The soil, Rebbe Nachman explains, that nurtures our growth is our capacity for Simcha/happiness.  In every life situation, we have a choice to see it as complete or as lacking, and even in the lacking to see the potential for growth inherent in the lacking.  Life is a dance between these two polarities and the month of Sh’vat contains the secret of striking that balance.  Download here. 

If you like this shiur, you must also plug into Rabbanit Yaghoubi’s Tomer Devorah series.  You’ve never heard Tomer Devorah taught like this!  Check it out here.


The Bnei Yissachar on Tu B'Shvat
Rebbetzin Yehudis Golshevsky

I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I do listening to this amazing and brilliant woman who teaches very high and holy Torah from her cozy living room in Meah She’arim among other places in and around Jerusalem. Listen to this incredible shiur on Parshat B'shalach and the B'nei Yissachar's approach to Tu B'Shvat.  To download, click here.

To hear more wonderful shiurim by Yehudis Golshevsky, click HERE.

Talking to Hashem all day long
Rabbi Itamar Schwartz, author Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh

We read in Parshat Vayeshev all about Yosef HaTzadik.  The verses describe Yosef as an “Ish Matzliach”: a “Man of Success”.  What is the secret of Yosef’s success?  Rashi brings the midrash which describes how Yosef’s master Potifer observed Yosef constantly whispering something under his breath.  What was he whispering?  To solve this riddle, the Ramban and the Arbanel and other Rishonim bring down that Yosef HaTzadik was praying to Hashem, repeating and internalizing over and over: "Shiviti Hashem l'negdi Tamid."    This, the Rishonim conclude, was Yosef’s powerful formula for success.   If this is the "key to success", what is the meaning behind these sacred words?  To unravel this mystery, check out my article here.  To hear the accompanying mp3's to this article, click here and here.

We are blessed in our generation to have someone who epitomizes this avodah. To hear a wonderful shiur describing this practice from today's "ish matzliach" the "Bilvavi", Rabbi Itamar Schwartz. on The Importance of Talking to Hashem all Throughout the Day click here .

Also just released, a fantastic essay dealing specifically with a Woman's Power of Speech.  Get a sneak preview into the Bilvavi's just released new sefer: GATEWAYS TO HASHEM FOR TODAY’S JEWISH WOMAN.  For the PDF, click here.

For information on how to order this book, click here.



Why G-d Lets Bad Things Happen and How to Make Them Stop
Rabbi Doniel Katz, The Elevation Seminar

Rabbi Doniel Katz captivates us once again with a phenomenal series answering the ageless question: “Why do bad things happen…”  This is particularly relevent now in light of all the darkness and confusing in the world right now.  Rabbi Katz shares with us the secret of how strengthening our consciousness  of always being in Hashem’s  loving Presence can diminish many of our problems in life. Download here. 

To hear the continuation of this series, go here.

Learning to build and maintain this "G-d Consciousness" is not only a way to diminish many of our problems but is also a wonderful way to correct our debilitating character traits.  Follow this personal and very practical account of one woman’s struggle with anger and how plugging into a greater awareness of Hashem’s constant and loving presence enabled her to overcome this debilitating middah.

To view article, click here


Be a "Spiritual Settler" and Not a "Spiritual Nomad"
Rabbi Tzadok Cable, Rav of Kehillas Ezra Hasofer Ramat Beis Shemesh Gimmel

Every once in awhile I hear a class that's so right on, so hits the "nail on the head" , and so resonates with my"G-d Direct"  wave length that I want to climb to the top of some high roof top and yell out: "hey women of Klal Yisrael, you gotta hear this stuff!"  The Rav clarified the difference between being a "spiritual settler" vs. a "spiritual nomad".  From the time we wake up in the morning to the time we go to sleep at night, we need to acquire the mind set of being "b'Makom" ; of being in "Hashem's place" and as such everything we do should be integrated within that framework and focus.

LISTEN for yourself to this transformative class.  Your Avodat Hashem will never be the same again!

And while we're on the subject of Simcha, if you liked the above shiur, you must listen to Rabbi Cable's class from Rebbe Nachman's "Avodat HaSimcha".  To download, click here.

To be a part of this or any other one of Rabbi Cable’s new live "ZOOM" chaburah community, go to:https://thebinahtree.com/or email.  


Bringing Redemption Through National Will
Rabbi Pinchas Winston, Telzstone, Israel

Listen to a captivating shiur by Rabbi Pinchas Winston who has made it his life’s mission to prepare this generation for the imminent redemption.  What’s left for us to do?  We need to develop a strong national will for Geula.  This means making the prospect of Redemption more real and palpable in our lives. 

To access the video of this talk that was given recently in Ramat Beit Shemesh, click here.  To access the mp3 recording, click here.   

Hitbodedut: The Total Game Changer
Devorah Sisso Stieglitz, "Breakthrough" workshops

Meet Devorah Sisso Stieglitz!  Our latest addition to the “G-d Direct Torah” family, Devorah’s “Emunah Torah” is refreshingly real and down to earth.  Listen here to this wonderful class on Hitbodedut: The Total Game Changer. This class is part of a 6 part  series Devorah gives on line called Breakthrough. In this series, you'll learn tools to identify what's keeping you stuck in life, "break through" them, move on to the next stage, and attract what you truly want into your life... while recognizing that it's all from Hashem. Get excited about your future and your incredible potential again.  This is another one of those "hit the nail on the head" classes on Emunah that you'll want to listen to over and over.

Visit http://www.devorahspeaks.com/breakthrough for more information on Devorah and her series.


World Wide Nishmat Kol Chai Event
courtesy of Torah Any Time

A couple years ago, on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, something very special and unique took place in Klal Yisrael.  Over 4,000 women came together from all around the globe to join in the Nishmat Kol Chai Worldwide Event.  This event celebrated thousands of women saying Nishmat Kol Chai for 40 days in a row.  It was a celebration of our gratitude to HaKadosh Baruch Hu and a celebration of us, Jewish women, and our power to unify to bring the Redemption, closer, IY"H! This event featured inspiring and empowering talks by Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi; Rabbi Aryeh Nivin; Lori Palatnik and a special bracha from Rebbetzin Leah Kolodetsky. daughter of Hagadol HaDor, HaGaon,  HaRav Chaim  Kanievsky

If you haven’t seen this yet, or even if you have and you want to see it again, click here now.


An Interview with Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan zt"l
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, zt"l

For the first time in 36 years, made available now to our G-d Direct Torah community, you can hear Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan zt”l in a radio interview he gave in 1980.  To hear Rabbi Kaplan describe the importance of hitbodedut/meditation and the examples he demonstrates on how to attain a state of “aloneness” and closeness with the Ribbon shel olam is truly life altering.  Thank you to Rabbi Avraham Sutton for making this audio available to us. To download, click here. 

Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh Women's Chaburah Siyum
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Yeshiva University/Aish Kodesh

Rabbi Moshe Weinberger pierces to the depths of the “pintele” yid with this shiur that he gave to a group of women in Lawrence, NY upon their completion of the Sefer Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh a few months ago.  Rabbi Weinberger tackles the difficult questions of how to maintain emunah amidst pain and suffering and how to transition this generation from one that “hears” and knows about Hashem’s existence to one that “sees” and “feels” Hashem’s existence moment to moment.  A must hear preparation to help us plug into the potential for "Ahavat Hashem" in the air right now..  To access this shiur, go here.

Inculcating Emunah in our Children
Rabbi Avrohom M.Alter, Yeshiva Migdal Torah, Chicago, Il.

Every once in a while, you hear a class that you can listen to over and over and over again.  The truth is my Rav, Rabbi Avrohom M.Alter, has many shiurim that fit this description but this one really struck a deep chord within my “Emunah driven” heart.  Listen for yourself and see.  This shiur on how to educate our children in Emunah and Bitachon is really about how to educate ourselves in Emunah and Bitachon.  Once we get it, they’ll get it too!  This shiur should be on your “favorites” to be listened to all year round.  For download, click here.


Click here for more Torah by Rabbi Avrohom Alter


Question of the Ages: How Much Hishtadlus vs. How Much Bitachon?
Rabbi Avrohom M. Alter, Lakewood, NJ

In the Torah Portiion, Parshat Vayashev, Yosef HaTzadik's request for "protexia" from the wine steward cost him an extra two years in jail according to our Sages.  Seems like a reasonable request to me but Yosef is held accountable for this "extra act" of histadlut (effort) on his part which brings up the age old question: When is 'enough' enough? When is enough ... really 'too much'? Haven't we all been perplexed by this question? Hishtadlus vs. Bitachon - how much is proper?  In matters of Shiduchim, Parnasah, Yeshuos, etc. Is it true that G-d only helps those who "help themselves"? When is 'enough' histadlus really 'too much' histadlus?  Rabbi Avrohom Alter gives a brilliant answer to these and other questions on how to understand the delicated balance between Bitachon and Histadlut,  Click here to download.



Feeling Safe in an Unsafe World
Chaya Hinda Allen, Jewish Positive Thinking

Go HERE  to receive a beautiful guided Imagery by Chaya Hinda Allen (www.JPThink.com)  to help us feel Hashem's love for us and His loving protection.  Practical and inspiring, we need this chizuk now more than ever!  This track teaches us how we can empower ourselves to face the challenges of stressful times with courage.  As Chaya Hinda explains: “By using our minds and our imagination (tziurei halev in the words of Rav Dessler) we can create deep and enduring feelings of trust and connection. It must be practiced, it doesn't necessarily come at once… No one is born trusting Hashem. It is the effort we put in to guide our minds and to think these thoughts that create the protection."

To be a part of Chaya Hinda's on-going on-line Thinking Positive! course, visit..  

You can also now become a part of a growing community of Jewish Women led by Chaya Hinda Allen by becoming a memeber of Chaiyil.  Members receive an 18-minute installment of Chaiyil every day - either an uplifting audio message, member success story, guided bitachon experience or practical exercise. To hear a sample chizuk message on the power of our wanting and willing, click here.  To sign up and receive more daily chizuk messages click here.


Empowering Jewish Women to Action
Rebbertzin Chaya Levine

We learn that in the merit of the Jewish Women, we were redeemed from Egypt and in the merit of the righteous Jewish women in the future, we will be redeemed again.  As we enter into this difficult time period, now more than ever we need to gather ourselves together as Jewish women,  do Teshuva, and pray that our Unity is no longer built on tragedy but rather built on Positive Actions and Unity Initiatives.  Listen to Rebbetzin Chaya Levine, widow of Rabbi Kalman Zeev Levine, Hy”d,  who was amongst the four kedoshim  brutally murdered in Har Nof.   During this very personal and poignant meeting with Rebbetzin Levine,  she described for us one such powerful initiative.  She also not only gives us as Jewish Women a Call to Action, but shares with us her personal story from the morning she learned of her husband’s death till today.

Special thanks to the Yashar Foundation for making this meeting possible.  To download, click HERE

For more information on how to be a part of this project, go to: http://www.theactionsproject.com 

To view a very inspiring video with Rebbetzin Levine and others describing this project in more detail, click  HERE.

One Entity: The Essence of a Jewish Marriage
Rebbetzin Ruchi Goldenberg, Beit Shemesh, Israel.

Chazal teach us that there exists a marital relationship between HaKadosh Baruch Hu and Klal Yisarel.  In order to properly appreciate this relationship paradigm better,  we need to understand what is the essence of a Jewish marriage, what is the inherent holiness between husband and wife.  Having been married almost 20 years, I’m just now beginning to understand thanks to Rebbetzin Ruchi Goldenberg.  LISTEN  to this beautiful and eye opening shiur revealing the true secrets of marriage or as the Rebbetzin teaches: “This is the way Hashem created the world; a woman draws her inner identity, her essence, from her husband.” This was a big chiddush for me and I'd like to share it with you. 

This shiur is based on a chapter from a newly published sefer entitled: My Soul Desire published by Beis Hamidrash Neizer Yisrael of Harav Avraham Tzvi Kluger.  To read this excerpt, click here. 

To order this wonderful sefer, go to:  www.feldheim.com.

To access more of the Rebbetzin's shiurim on Shalom Bayit, go here.


Prayer Power

Cry along with me as you view this wonderful video courtesy of www.Aish.com on the Power of Prayer. To view, click HERE




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